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Growing Leaders to Support Learners Course

Growing Leaders to Support Learners: Nurturing Early Childhood Program Leadership Course is based on The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by Dr. John Maxwell, and led by Raj Kapur, an Executive Director of the John Maxwell Team. The video series course will take you, step by step, through a process to reflect on where you are today and how you plan to grow. Each video will focus on areas to help you build a growth mindset, learn about your strengths, tap into your passions, understand your purpose, and develop your skills. This video series is unique in that is does not focus on teaching leadership approaches and strategies. Instead it focuses on YOU as a person and how you can nurture and grow yourself to be a more effective leader. 

The course includes 6 one-hour videos and activity workbook for each session. This course also provides 1.0 CEUs (equivalent to 10 learning hours) upon successful completion. Payment types accepted are PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express Debit or Credit cards. 

For more information about the course, go to www.ceinternational1892.org/courses or send an email to support@ceinternational1892.org.